Solutions of Home Furnishing Industry

The Smart Home Furnishing Industry Solutions of OP Retail, which is through AI products and group with SaaS platform to formed solutions of "Smart Store Inspection, People Counting Solution, Staff Promotion, Store Live Broadcast, etc." The solution prepared for the Home Furnishing Industry ( Include: House decoration stores, Textiles stores, Furniture stores, Home appliance stores. etc) helps clients achieve efficient management and profit growth.

Pain Points

Always 'Waiting' for Win Customers

Always 'Waiting' for Win Customers

Poor method to win new customers, great customer flow from the weather, good sales by the lucky, and "win new customers" by themselves walk-in only.

No Effective Sales Tools

No Effective Sales Tools

Low Walk-in Rate, Sales Conversion Rate & So easy to lost contact after the customer left the store.

Lack Data for Analysis

Lack Data for Analysis

Can't understand the behavior of consumers.
No idea to get the data of the consumer.
Most clients run their stores by their feeling.


Data Analysis & Operation Optimization

People Counting; Heatmap; Products Attention; To know the relative merits, to optimize the operation

Data Analysis & Operation Optimization

Remote Inspection to Help the Branch Control

Through the closed circle to the whole process of operation to help "Visualize Store operation process, Standardized work process, Tasks Preset & Formulation, Issuance, Inspection, and Feedback".

Remote Inspection to Help the Branch Control
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