Solutions of Fresh Supermarket

By digitalizing physical stores, OP Retail deals with the problems of enterprises in terms of product, place, and personnel management; helps reduce store product wastage and mismanagement, improve brand competitiveness.

Pain Points

Products Wastage

Products Wastage

If any issues happened in the processes of ordering, stocking, rotating and selling, then could cause product loss in the supply chain.

Product Display & Contamination

Product Display & Contamination

It is not rare to see the misplacement, mislabeling, misidentification and contamination of products.

Staff Mismanagement

Staff Mismanagement

Passionless services, Poorly trained staff, Negligence, and Mismanagement of the brand inspector.


Efficient Store Inspection

Diversified and flexible inspection modes meet demand from different sections, different characters, different scenarios, and different goals. Help company to efficiently inspect and manage the chain stores.

Efficient Store Inspection

Business Intelligence Data Center

Newest reports of Customer Flow and Heatmap of each store will be presented on the screen of headquarters.

Business Intelligence Data Center

Control of Cost & Risk

Through functions of "BI screen", "Cashier security" and "Video Source Tracing" etc.. to prevent fraudulence and cut loss.

Control of Cost & Risk

OA System

Our office OA systems offer a range of benefits for organizations of all sizes. It reduces manual work such as: posting product information and promotion, telecommuting, shares information with headquarter, online training & examination.

OA System
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